In 1918, Dr Robert H. Goddard, a genius idea capable of launching rockets through a tube with an explosive charge based on the idea of \u200b\u200bCharles Edward Mumroe physical. This idea was pretended to shoot down the first tanks and armored vehicles during the First World War. This invention could be tested successfully by the U.S. Army Signal Corps and was prepared to take the lead, but five days later, the Great War, would end and the engine of Goddard, quedaria forgotten. PHOTOS
M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 Smith Sonian
M9 M20 Law
M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 Smith Sonian
M9 M20 Law


In the early 30's, a Swiss named Henry Mohaupt, invented a grenade capable of traversing 100 mm of armor, but had the difficulty of excessive weight 1 , 6 kg, made it difficult to use to throw to targets. Why invent a smaller version, M9 and M10 could shoot with a rifle grenade using as support, but these charges remain small and unable to a target with a good shield.
At the beginning of 40, Colonel Leslie A. Skinner, had the idea to place larger grains, attached to a rocket capable of launching them at medium distances. The rocket launchers to fire grenades estasn large, the idea was Navy Lt. Edward G, Uhl and that is how is born in early 1942, the first prototype rocket M1 A1.
This weapon consisted of a tube 1.39 meters long and 60.3 mm in diameter, with handle and wooden stock, within which there was a dry battery providing energy to the ignition spark to ignite the rocket projectile. In the back of the tube, there was a metal basket that served as protection for the hand of the server, which introduced the rocket, thus avoiding to touch the electrical contacts by hand. Rocket projectiles, had a bore of 60.07 mm by 400 mm long.
During a presentation of this new weapon, some humorous remarks, suggested the resemblance he had with a musical instrument called the Bazooka, and popularly known it would look like this famous rocket launchers.
The new rocket will be a secret successfully tested in North Africa during Operation Torch, where minor defects limaron I had, without being able to prevent some of these weapons falling into the hands of the enemy, who quickly called a weapon similar ideology "Panzershreck" a higher caliber. 89.9 mm. Later the model
M1 A1, it would be improved by the M9, with head and metal handle and flared mouth anti setbacks. Another later model, the M9 A1, could be split in two for easy transport, and exchange their electric ignition system by another magnetic ignition.
The bazooka was often obsolete due to the emergence of new armored tanks like the Tiger, the Panther or Konigtiger, which the model M1 A1, power was limited. After the war saw the need to increase the size of their shells, and so would be born the new bazooka, M20, M20
was popularly known Superbazooka "with a diamentro of 89 mm and a range of 150 meters, capable of penetrating armor 200mm . The M20 would be very useful during the Korean War, where he would face the Soviet armored T34-85. Vietnam would be gradually replaced by new LAW (light antitank weapon).
Manuscript by Roy Gardner.
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