The Jump D-Day, June 6, 1944 began with the largest military offensive in history: Operation Overlord (the invasion of Europe). The 101 th was part of the spearhead, with Operation Albany. Because of the danger of their missions, the estimated losses were 80%.
The 101 th mission was control of four routes to the beach, "Utah" before the landing of the 4 th Infantry Division. These access routes were often the only route to the interior due to flooding. Eliminating secondary defenses German men of the 101st went to the seizure of the bridges located behind the landing beaches in the south, to destroy the bridge on the road to Carentan. At the same time, established two bridgeheads on the river, northeast of Carentan.
The mission was preceded by the Pathfinders (Scouts), its goal was to assign the drop zone and landing of gliders. The 101 th had 9 teams, 3 for each drop zone. Thus, if two teams were knocked out, would be a third party to carry out the mission.
The first man in 101 second landfall was Captain Frank L. Lillyman, its target for the 506PIR was the drop zone (DZ) "C". This would fall more accurate of the three teams. Many never reached their area, scattered around. The plan failed and confusion reigned over the drop zone. For many of them their first mission was to return to their units.
During the day, the 101st had to move south, but faced fierce resistance from the Germans at Saint Côme du Mont, there was little progress. The next day, the 506 th regiment along the 501 º and 1 battalion of 401 ° moved towards Vierville, taking the city after heavy fighting.
The next step, Carentan. The city, situated on a main road junction, it was necessary to join ground forces "Utah" and "Omaha."
The attack on Carentan was going to be two sides. The first, on the right, crossing the road northwest of Carentan and bypassing the city to continue to the southwest, the second from the left around the city.
The 3 rd Battalion, 502 th led the assault on the right flank, the pioneer corps did the same for the bridge over the river La Madeleine, but its advanced was hampered by the stubborn defense of the Germans. There, at the gates Carentan, saw the first bayonet charge of the airborne troops in the German defenders were swept away.
June 12, the 506th arrived to reinforce the 501st taking the hill and command of Carentan. At dawn, the 2nd Battalion (506th PIR) came from the southwest of the city joining the 1st Battalion of the 401st, which came from the northeast.
On June 13 the Germans launched a violent attack in an attempt to retake the city. Later the 506 th was sent to Cherbourg to relieve the 4th Infantry Division. Since then the division remained in France as a backup unit until mid-July, when he to England to "get healthy."
During the Battle of Normandy, the Division took heavy losses in lives and equipment: 2043 men died in battle, 7980 were wounded and 350 captured.
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