7 and 8 August, was held at the Military Museum of La Coruna, the operation Ram 2010, the Living Museum. Brought together several military vehicles and more than a hundred soldiers of historical reconstruction several times, Romans, Spartans, Medieval, Napoleonic, World War Airsoft Ins U.S. war in Iraq.
On Saturday it lived a reconstruction of the making and defending a coastal canyon by Allied and German troops, and Sunday was rebuilt defense of Flack 88 at Eagle's Nest. Also there were two parades through the streets Coruña, one walk and one on historic vehicles. Those who participated in this reconstruction, we were pleasantly pleased because we had some very intense days in a cordial atmosphere of camaraderie and a wonderful organization by the Royal Green Jackets Coruna.
More photos ...... http://www.flickr.com/photos/44535306 @ N02 /

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