During the Italian campaign in June 1943, the Canadian military, and New Zealand, assigned to the 8th British Army under the command of Montgomery, had taken active part in the invasion of Sicily. The British forces along with the 5 th Army Patton, forcing the 5 th and 8 th Army German retreat to the center of the peninsula. The town of Ortona on the Adriatic coast, is vitally important that the port has a great significance, which makes it very suitable for the supply of troops in their advance into central Europe.
For the December 6, Montgomery, send NZ troops first wave, thinking of an easy victory, but the Germans are not willing to give this great asset and defend the city with great effectiveness, decimating New Zealand and troops causing 1200 casualties.
As a second wave is sent to the 1st Canadian Infantry Division, 1 st Tank Brigade and 21 Brigade Hindu, under General Christopher Vokes. The Germans sent to Ortona as reinforcement, the 1st Fallschirmjäger Division, who will fight copper, street by street and house to house, tough resistance opposing allied contingent.
During days 20 to December 28, there is held the toughest battle of the Italian campaign, with 1375 dead, a fact that no truce will hold a peaceful Christmas. Day 24, the Canadian troops, you have to take turns to make a quick dinner on Christmas Eve and return to the front. For many, this would be his last supper.
The difficulty of fighting in the streets, the bravery of the veteran German paratroopers, made the Canadian use a safer feed, house to house through the walls, which flew on the basis of the firing of the PIAT.
After a barrage of more than 3000 tons of shells, and the ferocious attack of the Sherman tank, the town of Ortona be reduced to rubble, while frightened residents took shelter in the basement and the hospital.
24 and 25, arrive fresh troops to the Canadian side exhausted.
On December 26, U.S. troops and take the hits on Ortona and 29, the battered German troops withdraw from the city, while the Canadians manage to control all of its streets, but in 2400 this month have been killed. In the Italian front, is known to Ortona as "Little Stalingrad."
These dates would pass into history as the bloody Christmas of Ortona.
Roy Gardner (Screaming Eagles 101 Easy).
For the December 6, Montgomery, send NZ troops first wave, thinking of an easy victory, but the Germans are not willing to give this great asset and defend the city with great effectiveness, decimating New Zealand and troops causing 1200 casualties.

As a second wave is sent to the 1st Canadian Infantry Division, 1 st Tank Brigade and 21 Brigade Hindu, under General Christopher Vokes. The Germans sent to Ortona as reinforcement, the 1st Fallschirmjäger Division, who will fight copper, street by street and house to house, tough resistance opposing allied contingent.
During days 20 to December 28, there is held the toughest battle of the Italian campaign, with 1375 dead, a fact that no truce will hold a peaceful Christmas. Day 24, the Canadian troops, you have to take turns to make a quick dinner on Christmas Eve and return to the front. For many, this would be his last supper.
The difficulty of fighting in the streets, the bravery of the veteran German paratroopers, made the Canadian use a safer feed, house to house through the walls, which flew on the basis of the firing of the PIAT.
After a barrage of more than 3000 tons of shells, and the ferocious attack of the Sherman tank, the town of Ortona be reduced to rubble, while frightened residents took shelter in the basement and the hospital.

24 and 25, arrive fresh troops to the Canadian side exhausted.
On December 26, U.S. troops and take the hits on Ortona and 29, the battered German troops withdraw from the city, while the Canadians manage to control all of its streets, but in 2400 this month have been killed. In the Italian front, is known to Ortona as "Little Stalingrad."
These dates would pass into history as the bloody Christmas of Ortona.
Roy Gardner (Screaming Eagles 101 Easy).
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