Saturday, December 11, 2010

Speed Revolution Facemask For Sale

During the Italian campaign in June 1943, the Canadian military, and New Zealand, assigned to the 8th British Army under the command of Montgomery, had taken active part in the invasion of Sicily. The British forces along with the 5 th Army Patton, forcing the 5 th and 8 th Army German retreat to the center of the peninsula. The town of Ortona on the Adriatic coast, is vitally important that the port has a great significance, which makes it very suitable for the supply of troops in their advance into central Europe.
For the December 6, Montgomery, send NZ troops first wave, thinking of an easy victory, but the Germans are not willing to give this great asset and defend the city with great effectiveness, decimating New Zealand and troops causing 1200 casualties.

As a second wave is sent to the 1st Canadian Infantry Division, 1 st Tank Brigade and 21 Brigade Hindu, under General Christopher Vokes. The Germans sent to Ortona as reinforcement, the 1st Fallschirmjäger Division, who will fight copper, street by street and house to house, tough resistance opposing allied contingent.
During days 20 to December 28, there is held the toughest battle of the Italian campaign, with 1375 dead, a fact that no truce will hold a peaceful Christmas. Day 24, the Canadian troops, you have to take turns to make a quick dinner on Christmas Eve and return to the front. For many, this would be his last supper.
The difficulty of fighting in the streets, the bravery of the veteran German paratroopers, made the Canadian use a safer feed, house to house through the walls, which flew on the basis of the firing of the PIAT.
After a barrage of more than 3000 tons of shells, and the ferocious attack of the Sherman tank, the town of Ortona be reduced to rubble, while frightened residents took shelter in the basement and the hospital.
24 and 25, arrive fresh troops to the Canadian side exhausted.
On December 26, U.S. troops and take the hits on Ortona and 29, the battered German troops withdraw from the city, while the Canadians manage to control all of its streets, but in 2400 this month have been killed. In the Italian front, is known to Ortona as "Little Stalingrad."
These dates would pass into history as the bloody Christmas of Ortona.

Roy Gardner (Screaming Eagles 101 Easy).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pittsburgh Penguins Invitations

ORTONA CUSHMAN 53, The U.S. Airborne Scooter

In 1903, two cousins, Everett and Clinton Cushman, founded the Lincoln (Nebraska), a small company that makes engines for special use and agricultural pumps, lawnmowers, compressors boats. In 1936, they decided to build small engines for motorcycles, and this is how they decide to manufacture their first scooter in 1937, designed as a cheaper alternative to the car, given the economic crisis that prevailed at that time in the United States. Cushman Model 53, had a price of $ 159.50, which was most accessible for the working classes.

the outbreak of World War II, the Army decides to use a smaller vehicle as a liaison between troops and command, mail delivery or sanitary purposes. At that time, the Cushman scooters and enjoy a reputation for reliability in both civil and the military who were entrusted with the task of making a lightweight and Spartan, which can be launched by parachute or transported glider, which is assigned to the newly created airborne troops.

Cushman, quickly accepted the challenge and present their new Model 53 as amended, made a U-profile iron plate. Huskie is added engine, single cylinder, 4 cycle-tested and 242 cc, 4 hp, resulting in a total weight of 118 kgs. Testing Cushman, reaches 50 m / h, but reduced the final to 45 m / h.
The Army conducted tests parachuting, resulting in the destruction of the first scooter used, since the weight and the parachute was too small.
As a result, decided to lighten the scooter instead of make a larger parachute. However he added, some shocks to the wheels to withstand the impact of landing. 53
The Cushman Airborne Scooter, you are ready to be released and will be in Normandy, his baptism of war, along with 101 troops and 82 Airborne.

The use of these scooters will also be requested by the Navy for naval bases and air forces at aerodromes.
At the end of World War II, Cushman continues to manufacture their models for use of traffic police, post office, milk tricycles and golf carts.
The most famous model was the "Eagle" by 9 hp and 75 m / h, which factory for 16 years.
Cushman Scooters ceased production in 1965 and created the division of marine engines, to manufacture outboards.
Today, Cushman, engaged in small commercial vehicles for airports, stations, companies charge.

Roy Gardner (Screaming Eagles 101 Easy)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bow And Arrow Laws In Ontario

Operation Varsity (The Great Operation Airborne).

If we mention the Operation Market Garden, as the great airborne operation, fall into a mistake, because if this was the largest operation of airborne mixed together and land, not serious about for airborne operation.
The March 24, 1945, saw the largest airborne operation in history, called Operation Varsity, framed as part of Operation Plunder.
This operation was perhaps the intention to amend the complete failure of Market Garden and again reveals the direct hand of Marshal Bernard Montgomery.
was meant making Hamminkeln cities and Wesel and this action strengthen the bridgehead of 21 army, who was stationed across the Rhine. This was launched
16,870 paratroopers behind enemy lines in the vicinity of Wesel, from the 6 th Division Aerotrasnportada British and American 17 th Airborne Division.
Its mission would be to neutralize the air defense and land, taking also the bridges over the Issel River and the city of Diersfordt, then join the 21 body on its progress.
Although initially was a lack of control by American paratroopers, due to a fault in the jump, then it would be a complete success, the overall result of their successes, reaching more than 3000 capture German prisoners. For this massive display
airborne, were used by American troops, 836 aircraft C47, C46 72 aircraft and 900 gliders CG4a. carrying 9,397 men between paratroopers and infantry.
For the British, 42 planes were used C54, 752 aircraft C47, C46 72 aircraft, and 420 Horsa gliders and Amilcar type, the latter carrying light tanks inside Locoust type. The total of British troops, was 7,220 men, and infantry paracaidstas. All this great fleet
wheel, 2153 would be protected by Spitfire and Hurricane fighters of the RAF.
This recovery operation is a low number of men about 2700 and about 3500 prisoners, by ally, and about 2000 low and 3000 by German prisoners.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beswick Hounds And Horses

Reenactment in Murcia 2010 66

15 and October 16, was held in Murcia, a major event of historical recreation of the Operation Market Garden, which involved large crowd of reenactors, both on display on Saturday, as in the Battle of Arhen Sunday.
The event was a success of participation, by the sight of its components, such as vehicle half track, trucks and jeeps of 3 Spearhead, the fallchimjager German paratroopers Screaming Eagles 101 Easy, 8 th Army Brit., spartano, Napoleon, or Romans. All camps magnificent deployed for the enjoyment of the public Murciano.
In short, everything a show of making hobby.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wegeners And Planters Warts

Nightmare disgusting. The Aleph

I dreamed that biting a pigeon BY MISTAKE. He did it twice, and the second thought: "Host, how stupid I am! I has happened again!".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is There A Difference In Tax When Married

"Aleph diameter would be two or three inches, but the outer space was there, undiminished in size. Each thing (the moon in the mirror, say) was infinite things, because I clearly visible from all points of the universe. I saw the populous sea, saw dawn and saw the afternoon, I saw crowds of America, saw a silvery cobweb in the center of a black pyramid, saw a splintered labyrinth (it was London), saw endless eyes scrutinizing me as immediate a (...) mirror I feared that would not be a single thing capable of being surprised, I was afraid I would not leave the impression ever again. " Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bill Of Sale In Ontario


September 17, 1944
Operation Market-Garden was the second, larger of the Second World War, after the Normandy landings. Was the brainchild of Marshal Montgomery on the occasion of securing various access bridges vital to the invasion of Germany. It is composed of two essential operations: the "Market" (airborne) and "Garden" (Earth). The plan
initial, 101 ° Airborne, commanded by General Maxwell Taylor, was scheduled to go north of Eindhoven and capture the bridges over the Aa River and the Grand Canal at Veghel Willems, on the Dommel River at St. Oedenrode and on the Grand Canal in Guillermina They are for capturing termindar Eindhoven for the night. Brigadier General Gavin to 82 ° Airborne Division would take the Groesbeek heights and forest area east of Nijmegen, along with the bridges over the Maas at Grave and the Canal, so the General Gavin formed a joint force infantry and artillery, foreseeing that it would be several days alone.
stations and in Eindhoven, part of the 101st marched north to Best to take, but were repulsed by the Germans, who in turn sought to build on Eindhoven until the Irish and British tanks were stopped in the afternoon. The Division spent much of the day defending the prefabricated bridge had tended the American engineers.
The 1st British Airborne Division under Major General Urquart was landing west of Arnhem and its main objective was the road bridge over the Lower Rhine in the heart of the city, next to the railway bridge; these troops with the 1st Polish Parachute Brigade were to secure the high ground north of Arnhem.
The September 16 1944 was launched air strikes by the RAF and the USAF on German airfields. Meanwhile, the airports of England lifted off the transport of troops, composed of 424 and 70 C47 Skytrain 6769 gliders carrying paratroopers of the 101 º. 482 In other gliders C47 Skytrain and 50 more were transported paratroopers 6527 82. 1051 38 gliders with 516 paratroopers British and other transportation planners more vehicles and artillery made up the fleet. In turn, all of whom were escorted by 371 Spitfieres and "Mosquito." Early planners
the 1 st British Airborne Brigade made landfall at 13:00 hours west of Arnhem, followed by artillery and Urquart troops, of the 319 planners, 35 but never arrived. Major General Taylor jumped along with 6,769 men of the 101st north of Eindhoven. The paratroopers of the 502 ° and 506 ° landed the headquarters staff of 101 th north Sonsche forest.
The 6,527 men of the 82nd Airborne were released in the area south of Nijmegen, with the loss of two C47. In this shot from the 48 men arrived Skytrain 376 ° Artillery Battalion with its 75mm mortars, at 14:08, about 20,000 men, 511 vehicles, 330 artillery pieces and 590 tons of equipment had landed in the area combat.
The 101st Airborne reached their targets north of Eindhoven to 16:00, with 501 · Fasten the rail and road bridges in Heeswijk and 502 · Capture the bridge in St Oedenrode. Son, troops of the Luftwaffe Division "Hermann Goering" blew up the bridge over the Wilhelmina Canal, arriving in 506 ° members paratrooper.
Even as the Garden ground operation, further north, the 82nd Airborne captured the bridges, with the 505 ° and 508 · Established on each side of the town of Groesbeek and 504 ° Parachutist securing the bridge at Grave. However, two of the three bridges over the Maas-Waal Canal were blown up by German troops before being secured by the Americans, that closed the road Grave-Nijmegen, leaving only the bridge near Heumen in American hands. A company of 1 / 508 ° Nijmegen entered to inspect the bridge over the Waal, being rejected by the Kampfgruppe Henke, consisting of soldiers, paratroopers and guards defending the city.
At the Battle of Arnhem, Field Marshal Model, three hours after landing, and had a plan of defense, General Studen sent Kampfgruppe "Chill" against the XII and XXX Corps, the 59 th Infantry Division and the 107 Panzer Brigade against the 101st Airborne. Son
East, the 107th Panzer Brigade (a battalion of PzKpfw V Panther and panzer grenadier regiment) arrived to start the implementation of the Student clamp operation with the 59 th Infantry Division in Best. However, the plan was derailed by the attack of the 101st Airborne and the 8th Armored Brigade from the 59th Division, taking over 1,400 prisoners.
At 10:00 left England a second wave of transports and gliders to Holland, protected by 867 fighters of the 8th Air Force, which lost 91 of the 904 gliders by bad weather. At 13:00 two battalions of the 327 ° Infantry Regiment and some divisional troops, 2,656 men, 146 jeeps and 109 trailers arrived at the 101 st. Nearby, to the heights of Groesbeek, areas of the 82 nd aterizaje are made by Airborne Corps "Feldt, being dislodged by an attack of the 505 ° Paratrooper with the capture of General Feldt. 135 aircraft B-25 of the 8 th Air Force to resupply the 82 nd Airborne and 117 aircraft, the 101 st Airborne. West of Arnhem
the second wave arrived at 15:00 British, being greeted by a strong air defense, the 4 th Brigade Paratrooper Hackett, at 124 C47, fell and 3 ° SS annihilated the Dutch Police Battalion.
Due to the strong counter-offensive of the German army of Marshal Model, adverse weather conditions, failure of supply failure breaks the Polish paratroopers and the delay in connection with the land forces, the battle began to tilt in favor of the Germans.
At the end of the day, the three battalions of General Hackett had only 250 men, and a release of 390 tons of supplies, Salo 31 reached their hands.

allies successfully managed to take the first bridge, but the overall result of the operation was a complete failure, unable to take the final bridge at Arnhem. The German counteroffensive destroyed almost the 1 st British Airborne Division, while causing more casualties on the Allies of those who had throughout the invasion of Normandy.
The number of casualties was devastating: about 8000 German troops killed and 5000 wounded British troops, 6484 dead and 6450 prisoners, American troops dead, 3947, Polish troops, 102 killed and 309 wounded. Although General Montgomery
believed otherwise, the Allied defeat was considered the last major tactical victories of the Third Reich in the western campaign and extended the war in Europe almost a year. As I would say Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands: "My country can never afford to suffer another Montgomery success" ..
(Roy Gardner, Blog Screaming Eagles 101 Easy)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pinky's Beauty Salon In Brampton

Operation MARKET GARDEN ARIETE 2010 (La Coruña) RC TANKS

7 and 8 August, was held at the Military Museum of La Coruna, the operation Ram 2010, the Living Museum. Brought together several military vehicles and more than a hundred soldiers of historical reconstruction several times, Romans, Spartans, Medieval, Napoleonic, World War Airsoft Ins U.S. war in Iraq.
On Saturday it lived a reconstruction of the making and defending a coastal canyon by Allied and German troops, and Sunday was rebuilt defense of Flack 88 at Eagle's Nest. Also there were two parades through the streets Coruña, one walk and one on historic vehicles.

Those who participated in this reconstruction, we were pleasantly pleased because we had some very intense days in a cordial atmosphere of camaraderie and a wonderful organization by the Royal Green Jackets Coruna.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pangea Organics Toronto

Monday, June 14, 2010

Helzberg Diamonds, Bankruptcy

CONCENTRATION, BUTARKEN 2010 (CHAIN \u200b\u200brust)

last Saturday June 12, was held at Arroyo Park Butarque, the second edition of "Rc Tanks Butarken 2010."
in this volume were counted with the participation of 20 fans from different parts of Spain, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Murcia, León ... etc ... become concentrated over 50 military vehicles, accompanied by soldiers and edic cations at 1 / 16.
recreated a small village and an obstacle course, where fans showed their expertise in the domain of the tanks. Also fighting were observed between cars Infrared leading brands such as Tamiya and Heng Long. The overall result was satisfactory for all participants, although the rainy weather did not accompany them.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Muscle Tension In Tongue


The Jump D-Day, June 6, 1944 began with the largest military offensive in history: Operation Overlord (the invasion of Europe). The 101 th was part of the spearhead, with Operation Albany. Because of the danger of their missions, the estimated losses were 80%.

The 101 th mission was control of four routes to the beach, "Utah" before the landing of the 4 th Infantry Division. These access routes were often the only route to the interior due to flooding. Eliminating secondary defenses German men of the 101st went to the seizure of the bridges located behind the landing beaches in the south, to destroy the bridge on the road to Carentan. At the same time, established two bridgeheads on the river, northeast of Carentan.

The mission was preceded by the Pathfinders (Scouts), its goal was to assign the drop zone and landing of gliders. The 101 th had 9 teams, 3 for each drop zone. Thus, if two teams were knocked out, would be a third party to carry out the mission.

The first man in 101 second landfall was Captain Frank L. Lillyman, its target for the 506PIR was the drop zone (DZ) "C". This would fall more accurate of the three teams. Many never reached their area, scattered around. The plan failed and confusion reigned over the drop zone. For many of them their first mission was to return to their units.

During the day, the 101st had to move south, but faced fierce resistance from the Germans at Saint Côme du Mont, there was little progress. The next day, the 506 th regiment along the 501 º and 1 battalion of 401 ° moved towards Vierville, taking the city after heavy fighting.

The next step, Carentan. The city, situated on a main road junction, it was necessary to join ground forces "Utah" and "Omaha."

The attack on Carentan was going to be two sides. The first, on the right, crossing the road northwest of Carentan and bypassing the city to continue to the southwest, the second from the left around the city.

The 3 rd Battalion, 502 th led the assault on the right flank, the pioneer corps did the same for the bridge over the river La Madeleine, but its advanced was hampered by the stubborn defense of the Germans. There, at the gates Carentan, saw the first bayonet charge of the airborne troops in the German defenders were swept away.

June 12, the 506th arrived to reinforce the 501st taking the hill and command of Carentan. At dawn, the 2nd Battalion (506th PIR) came from the southwest of the city joining the 1st Battalion of the 401st, which came from the northeast.

On June 13 the Germans launched a violent attack in an attempt to retake the city. Later the 506 th was sent to Cherbourg to relieve the 4th Infantry Division. Since then the division remained in France as a backup unit until mid-July, when he to England to "get healthy."

During the Battle of Normandy, the Division took heavy losses in lives and equipment: 2043 men died in battle, 7980 were wounded and 350 captured.

© 2010 Screaming Eagles 101 Easy