Originally this was the symbol of Count Francesco Barraca also known as the legendary "associated" who was an "ace" of the Italian air force during the First World War and which I always have it on the side of their aircraft, who died very young to be demolished after 34 flights victorious becoming a national hero with his combat team.
The June 17, 1923 Enzo Ferrari and his team won the race Savio in the circuit of Ravenna, where he met the Countess Paolina legendary mother of Francesco de Barranca, who asked to use the prancing horse in their cars because it would bring good luck. Yet it was not until 1932 during the vienticuatro Hours of Spa, where Alfa Romeo allowed him to use that symbol, the race was won by Ferrari.
was when Ferrari decided to retain the prancing black horse as it was on the plane Barraca, only added a yellow background is the color of his birthplace, Modena and the letters S and F of Ferrari.

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