Enzo Ferrari born in Modena, Italy on February 18, 1898 man of great character, who was unable to complete their education due to early death of his father, was forced to work as a clerk in the workshop of the Fire Department in your area. After serving as a soldier in World War having worked as a test driver in Turin 1918, became the official test driver in "Contruzioni Meccanique Nazionali" in Milan.
officially competed in Barcet Parma in 1919 in the same year ran the legendary Targa Florio . Carried forward to the Alfa Romeo company where he worked successfully for twenty years, from pilot test to officially and finally Chief of the Division of Brand Competition , post he held until November 1939.
During his long drive for Alfa Romeo was awarded many times being the most important "Cavalieri" in 1924 and "Comendatore" in 1927.
was in 1929 when he created his own Ferrari the team based in his hometown Modena having as its goal of competing and organize races.
Years later created a special team and making their mark on the "Division Engineering Career and Alfa Romeo ", reaching control the competition section in 1933. In 1940 Ferrari separated from Alfa Romeo , becoming " Constuzioni Ferrari Auto Avio ". and who originally synergy from the "National Aviation Company" based in Rome Italy.
During the Second World War in 1943, Enzo Ferrari moved his factory from Modena to Maranello, where he began building various machines.
Enzo In 1944 he received a blow when his factory was bombed by the allies, forcing the closure its doors for a period of two years until 1946, after the War the factory was rebuilt, not yet finished the work when he and some employees worked for the release of their first car, thus starting the history of this great car.

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